Friday, August 6, 2010

Vitamin water a fake?!

Picture taken from

I have always been a big fan of Lebron James and paid close attentions to his commercials and related product line.  Today I saw the Vitamin Water commercial with Lebron in it so instantly I decided to Google the facts about this product.  Well, turns out there is a current law-suit against Coca Cola (the owner of Vitamin Water...) saying that the product is misleading consumers choices by giving itself a connotation with healthy choices.  Coca Cola defends itself by saying no consumer would actually be misled to think this is a healthy soft-drink.

So in my humble of opinion (as if it matters to anyone), calling this product Vitamin Water is a intentional attempt to mask this bottle of sugar water and push it out on the market as a healthy choice.  In fact, the name Vitamin Water pushes itself beyond other products like Gatorade.  Most of us drawn to Gatorade for its "ability" to replenish lost electrolytes after an intense work-out.  Well, I bet there are many consumers out there drinking Vitamin Water from morning to noon thinking that it equates to a healthy lifestyle.

By the way, according to John Robbins' article on the Huffington Post, he wrote

"In fact, the product is basically sugar-water, to which about a penny's worth of synthetic vitamins have been added. And the amount of sugar is not trivial. A bottle of vitaminwater contains 33 grams of sugar, making it more akin to a soft drink than to a healthy beverage."

I did a quick check and found a 12oz can of Coke have 39 grams of sugar.  So we are looking at a 6 grams difference between Vitamin Water and a can of Coke.  And at this point I think I have made my decision... I think those addicted to Vitamin Water should just drink Coke and pop vitamin pills on the side.  We all agree that Coke tastes better right?

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