Monday, September 27, 2010

My Conceal Carry Conversation...

Here's the conversation I had with my buddy the other day.

Friend: Why do you carry? it just makes things worse.

Friend: If someone come robs you and he has a gun, you should call 911.

Me: Wouldn't it be better if I have a gun so I can defend myself, in case the cops doesn't get here first?

Friend: That would just make it worse, if you didn't have a gun, he wouldn't want to shoot you, now you have one, he will have to shoot you.

Me: How you know he wasn't going to shoot me anyways.

Friend: It's just COMMON SENSE, he just wants money, he would leave once he got the money.

Me: That doesn't make sense, if he's bold enough to come rob you with a gun, he's bold enough to shoot it.

Then my girlfriend had to butt in.

Girlfriend: Honey, promise me you won't kill him, just shoot him in the leg or shoot the gun out of his hand.

Me: So I shoot his leg while he shoots me in the face?

Girlfriend: I don't see why you have to shoot to kill...

Me: Yeah yeah.. I'll just shoot off his trigger finger.

I lost respect for my gf after that, I think she's kinda dumb. Anyways, I am sure someone had similar conversations with their love ones before too lol.

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