Sunday, September 12, 2010

Traded S&W 910 for M&P 9c

I have heard great things about Smith and Wesson M&P line of handguns, and finally got my hands on one today.  I recommend M&P handguns to anyone especially if you are looking for a conceal weapon. I have the M&P9c which is the 9mm compact version.  The three exchangeable grips that came along with this gun are all high quality and comfortable.  The drawback to a conceal handgun is often sacraficing the comfort of the grip, but now with the grip options, this is not a problem anymore. 

The trigger is crisp, and I would say that it is better than both the GLOCK and Springfield XD in terms of trigger.  After disassembling the gun and inspecting the internal parts, everything looks well fitted and well finished.  This is definitely a good buy for anyone looking for a conceal handgun.


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